Sexual Harassment of Women’s at Workplace: A Curse to the Society | Krati Vats | TLCJBWCJCXK3

  • Post category:Volume I Issue 2
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Sexual Harassment of Women’s at Workplace: A Curse to the Society

Written by: Ms. Krati Vats


Sexual harassment basically means the demand for unnatural sexual advancement which makes the person feel offended and uncomfortable to compete in the competitive world. Showing pornography, unwelcome touching, staring, request for sex, insults based on the sex will be amount to sexually harassing behaviour. Doing sexually harassment means violating the fundamental right of the person which is guaranteed by the constitution of India by Article 14 i.e. the right of Equality through Article 19 Freedom for the living the deserving life and from Article 21 Right to life with dignity.

As a Life is full of dignity is given by the constitution of India then No one has the right to take it away from women.

This article basically deals with the international and domestic perspective of sexual harassment and the objective of the Posh Act. And the case-law of the Bhanvari Devi Rape Case, Vishaka vs. the State of Rajasthan.


Sexual harassment means the unnatural demand for sex which hampers the dignity of a person and brings the person in the mental trauma. As a result, the fundamental rights of a person are being infringed.

Sexual harassment includes the unwelcoming sexual demand and advancement, showing pornographies, taunting, body shaming, touching and requesting sex by taking the undue influence of their position or post.

In most cases, sexual harassment in the workplace refers to two types of indecent behaviour:

Quid pro quo (literally, “this for that”) is a phrase that means “this for that.”

  • Promise of preferential/discriminatory treatment in the workplace, whether implicit or explicit.
  • Threatening her current or future employment position, whether implicit or explicit.[1]

An Unfriendly Workplace

  • Creating a climate at work that is unfriendly, frightening, or offensive
  • Abusive treatment that could jeo pardise her health or safety.[2]


According to my perspective, it is more serious than just sex. If it is just sex then the men can ask the prostitutes or their wives why they are dominating their colleagues or the subordinate why they are taking the benefit of their posts or designation and I found only one conclusion of the above question and that it is only a psychological thing which differs from people or maybe due to lack of sex knowledge.

It is a heinous crime that can put a victim in trauma and her fundamental right to live life with dignity is being infringed.  


Sexual Harassment of women is a universal problem in many countries such as the United States and India. Women’s of the world is the problem of sexual harassment which makes the question harassment of women’s can be varied to occupation by occupation.

The Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing for the United States Supreme Court Catapulted sexual harassment to the forefront of the American public consciousness.[1]

Nowadays, this problem creates a difference between men and women. And this will give the question mark on the law as well as in the administration. The percentage of the registered cases of sexual harassment differ from country to country.

Women’s rights are human rights, according to the United Nations and other international organisations, and violence against women is a violation of her human rights…………………………………….. To Read Full Paper Click on the download button below.

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