The Law Communicants Journal

An International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research 

Submission Guidelines

THE LAW COMMUNICANTS JOURNAL calls for unique and unpublished research papers, Short Articles, Long Articles, Book Reviews & Case Comments on a rolling basis.


We accept entries from academicians, practicing lawyers, researchers, students as well as authors pursuing related fields. However, we discourage posts that merely summaries cases or are descriptive in nature, and prefer posts that critically analyze or explore particular themes of wider resonance.


Kindly use the 20th edition of Bluebook citation format.

We are accepting the following categories:

Short Articles: (1000-1500 words, including footnotes)

Long Articles: (2000-3500 words, including footnotes)

Book Reviews: (1200-2500 words, including footnotes)

Case Comments: (800-1500 words, including footnotes)

Authorship: The maximum number of author(s) allowed for any submission is 3. No application/submission will be entertained if more than 3 authors have worked on it.


The content must be written in Times New Roman in font size 12 for the main body, Heading in Times New Roman in font size 14 (Bold), and font size 10 for the endnotes, with a line spacing of 1.5.


We value the originality of pieces above anything. Although we expect content to be original, the Editorial Board may relax this standard up to an acceptable level of 15%, if required to maintain the quality of the post.

Contributors must make known to us any submissions of the draft post with other publishers, at any time during the review process. We reserve the right to cease collaboration with respective contributors, if they fail to do so.


We do not Charge any Fee for Publication.


The Review Policy includes double peer review, which we undertake to complete within 7-14 days of submission. Please note that suggestions from the Editors may need to be incorporated by the contributors within 7 days of notification.

All submissions are to be made by filling the Google form OR an E-mail.

The submission of the draft post must be in MS-Word format (.doc/.docx). Contributors are requested to share their personal details on the google form.

We shall send an email acknowledging receipt of the draft post within 48 hours of receiving your entry. If you do not receive one, do email us at


Any appropriate theme related to law is acceptable.


In making submissions to the The Law Communicants Journal (TLCJ), the contributor(s) Warrants that the piece is their original work and has not been published elsewhere.

The Law Communicants Journal

Quarterly Journal

We follow a double blind peer review process for selection of articles. The articles are at first screened by the Editor for fulfilment of basic criterion prescribed in submission guidelines. The screened articles are then coded and sent for peer review. Thereafter, the papers are sent back to the authors for revision. The revised papers are sent for a final review to the chief editor. Thereafter, acceptance/rejection would be communicated to the authors. The Editorial Board has the final authority over the final selections.

Open Access

Plagiarism 15%


Peer Review