- About the Journal
- Call for Paper
- Theme
- Perks of Getting Published at TLCJ
- Submission & Formatting Guidelines
- Cover Letter
- Mode of Submission
- Registration fees
- Copyright and Editorial Policy
About the Journal
TLCJ is an International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research. It is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that provides insight into diverse and dynamic legal matters.
This Journal is a novel forum that intends to fit to and addresses the requirements of academicians, researchers, authors, and young law students by providing them with a robust learning and interacting platform to facilitate law-related skills and to develop with continuous learning on the practical side.
The Journal aims to provide a forum for writers and researchers to voice their feelings and research on multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. We are determined and excited to bring authentic, creative, and individual ideas and socially-related problems into attention. This flagship publication encloses several articles employing a comparative and interdisciplinary approach to analyze and offer comments on the recent developments, judicial decisions, and practices in Indian and several foreign jurisdictions.
Call for Paper
TLCJ is inviting submissions for Volume I, Issue I. Contributions are welcome from all academicians, practitioners, and law students. TLCJ accepts submissions on a rolling basis, subject to the preference for publication in the upcoming issue granted for submissions.
Any topic related to Socio-Economic and Legal issues is acceptable.
Perks of Getting Published at TLCJ
- E-CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION: E-Certificate of publication is given to all the authors published in each issue without any additional cost. The certificate is given to the authors as soon as the publication is live.
- TIMELY PROCESSING OF MANUSCRIPT: The whole review process takes up to 2 weeks.
- SEPARATE URL: The author(s) will also get a separate URL/Link to their published manuscript.
- **INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: The top three authors of the issue are provided with internship opportunities.
- **CHANCE TO BE A STUDENT EDITOR: Students are also provided with an opportunity to work as an editor for the Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research.
(** Only for Students)
Submission & Formatting Guidelines
- The publication and certificate shall be released on a Rolling basis.
- Submissions shall be accepted only in the English language.
- All manuscripts must be accompanied by an “abstract” of 250-300 words. The abstract must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article beyond the existing available literature.
- Co-Authorship: Co-authorship is permissible only up to a maximum of two authors.
- Body: The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, and line spacing 1.5.
- The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, and line spacing 1.
- The citations must conform to the Blue Book style of citations, 20th edition.
- Lengthy Quotations are discouraged. Author(s) should avoid long quotations and keep it at a minimum wherever necessary with full and proper acknowledgment.
- Lengthy and multi-paragraphed footnotes are discouraged. The citations must mention the page(s) of the source and in cases where Court Judgments are referred to, the footnote should also mention the paragraph of the judgment in addition to the page number of the Reporter.
- Only authoritative websites may be cited. References to internet sources such as Wikipedia, blogs, commercial websites, etc., are not acceptable.
- Any failure to adhere to submission guidelines may result in rejection of the submission.
We are accepting the following categories:
- Short Articles: (1000-1500 words, excluding footnotes)
- Long Articles: (2000-3500 words, excluding footnotes)
- Book Reviews: (1200-2500 words, excluding footnotes)
- Case Comments: (800-1500 words, excluding footnotes)
Cover Letter
The submission should be accompanied by a Cover Letter wherein the manuscript is attached and must contain the following details:
- Name of the Author(s)
- Contact Details- Address and Mobile Number
- Name and Address of the Institution of the Author(s)
- Academic Qualifications (year of studying)/Affiliations of the Author(s)
- Title of the Manuscript
Mode of Submission
All submissions are to be made by filling the Google form OR an E-mail.
The submissions can be made via email to the TLCJ editorial team on the following email ID: submissions@thelawcommunicants.com
The email should contain the manuscript in .doc or .docx and pdf format accompanied by the cover letter as per the aforementioned specification.
Registration fees
There is no registration fee for this publication.
Copyright and Editorial Policy
Submissions made to The Law Communicants Journal (TLCJ) are on an exclusive basis.
The submissions must not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The contribution presented to and accepted for publication along with the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of the TLCJ and vests with it.
TLCJ strives to promote originality and commits itself to strict requirements of integrity. Plagiarized works shall be ineligible for publication.
The author(s) is to cite their sources and acknowledge the sources for the content which is not original. TLCJ editorial team reserves its right to reject and/or discontinue further collaboration on the non-fulfilment of the academic integrity criterion.
Contact Details
E-mail ID: admin@thelawcommunicants.com
Keyur Tripathi: +91 8383047367
Akarsh Sharma: +91 9971912048 (WhatsApp)